Jalandhar Lok Sabha bye poll on Wednesday witnessed overall peaceful poll. Till 5 pm, 50.05% voting percentage was recorded in Jalandhar lok sabha seat.
Chief Electoral Officer, Punjab, Sibin C thanked the people of Jalandhar lok sabha seat for coming out to exercise their democratic right. He said that focus of ECI was to ensure peaceful poll in a free and fair manner. He said that it was a matter of satisfaction that all polling stations saw good number of voters.
Sibin C thanked all the Polling Personnel, Security Personnel and Punjab Police Personnel for working day and night to ensure free, fair and peaceful bye polls in Jalandhar lok sabha seat.
He also thanked Booth Level Officers (BLO), PWD coordinators, Asha Workers, Aanganwadi workers, Mid-Day-Meal workers and Village Chowkidars for their contribution in the election process.