Chief Minister will inaugurate National e-Vidhan Application, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Digital Wing, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Website, Neva Workshop and Neva Brochure
- Information to be imparted to all MLAs about the new online system and project
- Says, people’s participation will also be increased through National e-Vidhan app and live webcasting of proceedings
Chandigarh, September 18:
The National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) conference-cum-workshop will be organized at the Punjab Vidhan Sabha on September 21, 2023, which will be inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Punjab S. Bhagwant Singh Mann.
Divulging this, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker S. Kultar Singh Sandhwan said that on the initiative of the Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Singh Mann, a two-day workshop will be held for all MLAs on September 21 and 22, 2023, in which all MLAs will be imparted information regarding the new online system and the project. He said that the Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Singh Mann will inaugurate the National e-Vidhan Application, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Digital Wing, Punjab Vidhan Sabha Website, NeVA Workshop and NeVA Brochure on September 21.
S. Sandhwan said that in this conference-cum-workshop, information about the entire system will be given in different sessions like online notice section and digital, online question processing and digitization module, online house committee module, reporters module etc.
S. Sandhwan said that from the next session, the entire proceedings of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be hi-tech and paperless. He said that now onwards all MLAs will participate in the Legislative Assembly sessions by adopting a paperless system through tablets as part of an environment-friendly initiative. He said that now exchange of information regarding the Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be done through the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA). He said that people’s participation will also increase through the National e-Vidhan app and live webcasting of proceedings.
S. Sandhwan said that the objective of the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) is to bring all the legislatures of the country on one platform, thereby creating a massive data depository without the complexity of multiple applications. He said that the Punjab government has completed the process of installing tablets on the tables of all MLAs, with which the proceedings of the House will now be online. He said that the entire information of the House will be exchanged through the National e-Vidhan application and the papers to be placed on the table of the House will also be kept electronically. He said that with the implementation of this system, where paper will be saved, it will also help in the government’s efforts to protect the environment. He said that this will bring more transparency in the functioning of the House.